Sunday, September 27, 2009


Tonight marks the end of the weekend. And boy, was it a weekend! B-May had her friend Michelle up on Friday night and I joined them after work at the Portsmouth Brewery for a couple rounds. Then we headed over to The Press Room where it was kind of boring so we split after one beer apiece and returned home where an ambitious B-May was willing to make congo bars! For the unenlightened, that's chocolate chip cookies in the shape of brownies. So...amazing. We snacked on them throughout the weekend and at present, there are only four bits remaining from the batch.

Breakfast the next morning totally deserved a couple pictures but in my continuing amateur-ness, I forgot. It's too bad though because we made delicious and filling apple cinnamon pancakes. It was a group effort - B-May whipped up the batter and I plied my trade flipping flapjacks to perfection. Thumbs up all around.

In the morning we sauntered through the city and split up so B-May could pull a quick shift at work. Michelle then watched me eat another scrumptious meal that I should have photographed: BBQ chicken panini from Me and Ollies. We of course sat outside despite the breezes which kept all the tourists inside. Maybe I already touched on that subject last post but it's still pertinent. Crap, just remembered I had a soda with that...Failure.

At work I finished off the remainder of the homemade raviolis from a while ago -thank you freezer! Toss in a couple Fig Newtons and I think it was four (!) congo bars and I had a content belly. On my ride home I picked up some beers and helped B-May and Michelle tame their cravings for more congo eating them myself. You're welcome girls! Then there was a party at a co-worker's house and when we got back to the apartment, I successfully burned the life out of two slices of bread originally destined to be toast...and went to bed.

Today - that's Sunday if one can follow this rambling - I treated myself (for no reason) to an enormous chocolate-chip pancake and a slice of anadama french toast at the aptly named Friendly Toast. It was an adventure!
Thoroughly stuffed with breakfast treats I didn't eat again until seven hours later at work when I went the veggie route with this wrap slathered with sweet potatoes and onions, caked in black beans and topped with baby spinach leaves. I wish I could take credit - it was B-May's idea. I must admit though, it was quite of bland. More variations on this theme to follow. Also had some more Fig Newtons and a bottle of Coke to get me through my shift.

Which brings me to now. B-May cooked up an original chili of veggies and some pumpkin pie filling. And some corn muffins! Honestly, it was amazing. I can't wait to eat the rest for lunch (or dinner) tomorrow.

Excellent dinner and now reclining with a bowl of pumpkin ice cream and chocolate chips and chocolate syrup. I'm too embarrassed to photograph it.

BIG run tomorrow. Leg feels better, time to get off my butt and keep training.


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