Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Grilled Cheese WITH APPLES?!

B-May had this brilliant idea. We've been trying to incorporate apples into our meals since we acquired this numerous collection Monday. I have been successful - apples spread over pancakes from the last post, sliced apples in grilled cheese, and an apple straight up for a snack after dinner at work last night.

So back up. I love grilled cheese. One of those things that never left from my childhood. Second, I love apples. Yet I never considered the combination of the two! So a sincere thanks to B-May for this inspiration she nonchanantly quipped to me on her way out the door yesterday.

Today marks the second lunch of grilled cheese and apples and I am loving it!

I should also note that beside the cheese, all the ingredients are pretty darn healthy. Being the bread-eater in the house, I often select the type when we visit the store. This last time, I took home an oatmeal scotch bread. While it does faintly resemble breakfast in taste, I would have a hard time distinguishing it from whole wheat. Which brings me to my next point: I think that white bread (from the grilled cheeses of yore) is boring. Bring on the wheat, the seeds, the grains, the whatevers. I like flavor with my starch and this is just the beginning. Hooray for expansion of options!

Just bought an Arthea Franklin disc from Bullmoose down the street. She is amazing.

That's it for now, going out to research the city pool and try to talk them into letting me swim without switching my driver's license for a righteous discount. But tonight! Tonight we make ravioli's from scratch and APPLE PIE! Fall isn't here according to the calendar but it sure as hell is here in the heart!

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