Water was my beverage as we ran out of milk. These things never happened when my folks bought me food but alas, I am an adult now and have to reconcile that I occasionally fall a little short and forget to buy a steady supply of milk.
In the morning, I walked down to the Moffatt-Ladd warehouse and saw a short documentary on Ethiopian women who suffer from childbirth injuries and their proximity to care. It was disturbing, yes, but fascinating and truly eye-opening. Google "fistula" for a topic not to be covered here but one that should not be ignored.
After the film, I was invited up to a swanky club of the rich and famous as an extension of B-May's work and we dined on fresh salmon, pasta with veggies and a sip or two of fine cider. It sounds so unfair to the food to simply qualify it as "pasta with veggies" but I will never eat there again so it's not worth considering any further. I did not carry my camera with me for this event. Another point about food bloggers: it must be easier (if not, less conspicuous) to be a female blogger, owing to the purse or handbag in which to conceal and carry a camera....I digress.
While I managed an eventful morning, I still had to go to work. Before though, I slurped down a Hannaford chicken noodle soup which lacked any semblance of flavor. Never again. I rode my bike despite the cold again (woot!) and snacked on raisins and two Nalgenes worth of water. When I took my break I had (yet another) serving of the veggie mac and cheese and few bars of the granola with apricots B-May made I think before I started this blog.
We bought a bottle of wine and half gallon of ice cream. It was a perfect Saturday grocery purchase. At home, we uncorked the wine - something red - and I had two glasses before deciding that a bowl of ice cream was absolutely necessary. (It rarely is.)
Now to today! For breakfast, I enjoyed a warming cup of Breaking New Grounds coffee and an onion bagel with cream cheese.
When I got home, I poured a tall glass of milk and snacked on three cookies, trying to get rid of the temptation, bit by bit.
Tonight we saw Food Inc. This is a mind-blowing movie. Its delivery is original and the topic is particularly gripping: where food comes from. The film manages to cover all the angles - grocers, farmers, businesses, and organics - in less than two hours. Part of it was hard to watch (reaffirming my abstinence from meat) but the rest was so educational I'll have to watch it three more times to retain the parts needed to win an argument for organic. A special treat was a Q and A session immediately afterward with the Stonybrook CEO. My takeaway: "There are thousands of reasons to eat organic, but only one not to: price." The man knows his stuff is expensive but his infiltrating Wal-Mart helps reduce the prices of his signature yogurts and make the healthy stuff more accessible to all Americans. It was not my intention when I started this blog and recording what I eat to actively pursue eating organic, but with the influence of this movie and B-May's resilience for the products, I will start.
With this new information kicking out our heads, we scoured the cupboards of our apartment for foods with ingredients we could not pronounce. Still we ate a fine turkey chili with corn muffins and chips and salsa for dinner. We also sipped some more wine. It was lovely!
I must report, I felt another instance of necessary ice cream and did just that.
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