Good evening!
I have much amazing food to report! But first, I realize I have been negligent of my exercise reporting. B-May and I have gotten back into the swing of running. I think that she has run just under 15 miles this week and while I only have six miles under my belt week to date, I enjoy feeling the tightness in my calves and cadence of running again. Don't know how we got away from it but it's nice to be back.
Okay, so at the end of my last post I was eagerly anticipating dinner and dessert. It was worth it! B-May whipped up a fresh pizza dough from scratch! The whole wheat dough was soft and crunchy on the crust. We absolutely covered the pie with vegetables - eggplant, peppers, zucchini, spinach and tomatoes. Covered it! A liberal soaking of tomato sauce and and many handfuls of mozzarella cheese later we had a delicious vegetable pizza.
AND while it was cooking we mixed some sugar and cinnamon and other pie ingredients with some freshly skinned apples from earlier that day and made an ENORMOUS apple pie. (Notice the fork and how high the pie piles up in comparison!)
It was an evening of insanity but I have no regrets. As soon as the pizza finished cooking we put in the pie and when we finished the pizza the pie was done! Everything was delicious.
So yesterday morning I finished the remainder of the french toast and tried a little Kashi with half of a banana all tossed in some yogurt! I continue to enjoy eating the newest healthy food for me. Then I headed back to Massachusetts for some dental work but first tricked my mother into buying me lunch at one of my favorite sandwich shops in town, The Ultimate Perk. I enjoyed a spicy Thai chicken wrap while my mom had "the best veggie wrap ever." As the feeling returned to my mouth from the local anaesthetic, B-May and shot some hoops at the park. It
was pretty cool and I look forward to more nights like that!
Okay, so for dinner last night, we made tostadas! We used tortilla wraps broiled first which served as the base for a turkey and veggie mixture. Sprinkled some more cheese on top and baked the whole lot for four tostadas. Excellent!
Last night was reading night so after dinner, we sat and read for two hours. Awesome! I finished the book I wanted to - Devil in the White City - which was quite good and read the newspaper and a couple magazine articles I wanted to finish. At the end of our two-hour block we had a piece of pie each - mine twice the size of B-May's - and I enjoyed a couple scoops of ice cream as well.
This morning I kind of rushed out the door. As such I didn't finish my oatmeal nor my corn muffin. Bummer! Good breakfast though.

At work, I was treated to a cup of coffee by a co-worker and snacked on raisins with water. Good snack, huh? During my break I enjoyed the remainder of the tostadas and two congo bars with a seltzer water for lunch. After work, I stopped at Flatbread for a couple beers - one organic - before settling in for the night with a plate full of freshly made ratatouille and polenta!
I have never had anything like it and it was quite good. I tip my hat to B-May and the various cookbooks she employs to keep me well, well, well-fed.
Now I'm all updated. I just had another slice of pie, a small (seriously!) scoop of ice cream and got rid of the Reese's Peanut Butter cups residing at the top of the cupboard by eating them. I'm still hungry so I might eat something else. Not sure. It's a mystery!
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