Monday, December 28, 2009

Run today!

Good evening!

I am pleased to report that our run today went very well! We covered just over six miles at a ten-minute mile pace and I felt great the whole time. Granted, with my FiveFingers I was a little cold but aside from that, I was able to keep warm and moving. B-May does an excellent job setting a comfortable pace whenever we run. I admit that when I set out by myself I end up going too quick for my own good and am often left breathless and walking amid a sea of swear-words. I should be able to maintain my own pace without someone holding my hand. Well, sometimes that's not terrible at all but I would like a little more autonomy of pacing. That was a weird thing to say.

My calves are a little sore and I expect to feel the effects a bit more tomorrow, especially at work. My feet are feeling strong and I am excited to take advantage of the warmer weather - or at least this period of the year devoid of snow. It's hard to run barefoot (more or less) without shoes. B-May is looking forward to a half-marathon in the Great Bay area this March or April and at present I would just like to be able to run five miles a day. Speed will come with the consistency, or so I think. I have a buddy who runs 7, 7:30 minute miles and I feel like I can't run with him anymore. I sometimes worry about going faster, being able to cruise at 8 minute miles but it's not worth the cramps and ragged breathing right now. Perhaps I'll take my occasional 5K's more seriously but if beer remains the prize, I doubt that I will.

Note to self: figure out definitively if a license in New Hampshire is critical or at least not a terrible obstacle so I can swim in the city pool. I. Really. Need. To. Get. In. The. Water.


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