Monday, August 24, 2009

Summer Reading

Yesterday was the gorgeous afternoon of quiet, reading time I was hoping for. I walked down to the ocean as planned though foolishly anticipating swells from Hurricane Bill. Little did I realize that swells are only on the open ocean and I was simply in the bay. Ooops, but a wonderful setting regardless. I got in a long, hot walk and had an opportunity to feel the grass under my feet, something I've been lacking since I moved into the city and all around me is concrete. I decided not to sit at the table but rather in the shade. It was a good move.

Ugh, I am feeling uninspired writing this. I think it's because I'm wrapped up in Born to Run and the fact that it's so damn good, I can't stop reading/thinking about it. Anyways, here is a sliced peach that was too early for consumption as it had the consistency of an apple but i ate it anyway. Delicious despite my ignorance. B-May later told me how to find the good ones. But I thought they all were good ones?

Anyways, she got home from work and before we set out to see Grease in the park, we agreed on making gnochhi with ricotta, tomato sauce and a helping of veggies. It was also DELICIOUS and I was filled so much that impossibly there were leftovers. Thankfully, it was my only opportunity to photograph this delicious dish, so here it is:

Got rained out of the show and had a few cookies (they're almost gone!) and a beer before reading well into the night. This book is fascinating. Really.

Right, so for breakfast today, after an invigorating four-mile run, we prepared oatmeal with all the fixin's! Added some peanut butter, half a banana, brown sugar and a pinch (or three) of cinnamon. Quite good and a possible departure from waffles on a more permanent basis. We'll see. Washed it all down with frigidly cold milk and have been nursing an Arizona Iced Tea for the majority of the morning. It's not tea actually, it's half lemonade with half-tropical. Whatever that is. But it's not tea.

Off to a BBQ at B-May's folks' tonight to mark the end of their summer before returning to school as teachers. Should be a very colorful meal as they never disappoint!

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