Without being too full, we set off for the Rockingham Trail, a multi-use bike path running from nearby Newfields all the way to Manchester. Apparently it's 25 miles long one-way, but we had some pressing events in our calendar and decided on an out-and-back of...7 miles! The farthest we've ever run! It was amazing cruising down the old railroad bed, completely alone in a beautiful wilderness with only a few quiet country road crossings. I should admit that my feet took an absolute beating on the rocky portions since I was wearing my ruby red slippers but when not negotiating crushed stones the size of sharply cut golf balls, I felt great.
When we finished our run, we were neither tired nor sore. Amazing! With minimal time to spare, we headed down the road to Applecrest Farm for some P.Y.O. (pick your own) apples. For $15 we trotted across the road and into a vast orchard of apple trees, their branches drooping to the ground under the weight of enormous Macintosh apples!
Just a selection of our bounty for the day. We filled the bag to the brim and then some. Now of course the challenge is eating the lot before they go bad.
With a pressing dentist appointment in Massachusetts, B-May and I stopped for a picnic at the center of Hampton Falls. I award myself points for modifying my summer sandwich staple: In addition to turkey and swiss cheese, I added red pepper hummus, baby spinach leaves, and guacamole from the other night. All this on an Arnold's Thin and I was quite content with my lunch! I got suckered into a 16oz, 99-cent can of Coca-Cola to wash it all down but did not come close to finishing. It's for the better.
When we got back from Massachusetts, it was classic afternoon snacktime. Here's my idea of it:
A chocolate frappe! Mixed up the remaining ice cream in the freezer with chocolate syrup and skim milk. We figured that we really didn't eat enough given the amount of running we did so it was unanimously allowed to indulge accordingly.
We met up with my folks who were "camping" (actually, one could google "glamping" instead) and they took us out to dinner. I easily put down a plate of "rashers" - pork tenderloin with asparagus and potatoes - not to mention a generous helping of onion rings and cheese fondue for appetizers.
This morning, B-May reminded me of leftovers from her and couple friends' recent visit to "The Friendly Toast." Chocolate chip banana peanut butter pancakes. They're called "The King" after some delicacy enamored by and perhaps invented by Elvis Presley himself.
Put some apple slices on top for good measure to mark the beginning of our assault on the plethora of apples we picked. Excellent breakfast!
Off to read in the park on this beautiful day. Later!
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