Okay, just wanted to make a special note of tempeh. Yesterday (I am already trying to catch up with this endeavor...) I spread out my breakfast choices and came up with this:
Regardless of my carb-itarian breakfast (just missing bagels, really) I brought along a blueberry muffin which I'm fairly certain held back no fatty anything because it was that good. Whoops, there's a glowing point of controversy that I am finding to be untrue: healthy foods are not all bad-tasting. I accept I sound like a third-grader refusing whole wheat crust on his grilled cheese but regarding my healthy living maturity I've got a long way to go. (Just re-read that, who says "bad-tasting?" Not. even. a. word.)
Lunch was especially delectable! It was so simple I can even post the recipe!
-a whole wheat tortilla
-liberal amounts of Garlic Lover's Hummus
-remaining grilled veggies from "What the Hell is Tempeh" night.
Add a whole bunch of applesauce (another third-grade connection...) and I was blissfully content with my first lunch in I don't know how long that didn't contain cheese, chicken or soup.
Notice the spork. That thing rules. It's made by Light My Fire and I've put it in near boiling water and it's not melted enough to make me delusional with plastic poisoning. The knife doesn't cut my mouth when I use the fork and it's red! Red is so visible at the bottom of my bag. Truly: simplicity, simplicity, simplicity.
Here's where it gets tricky for me. I'm trying to tame the crave (translation: mostly chocolate). I have a difficult time finishing a meal without some sort of chocolate fix. In my weakness I bought a Clif Mojo bar at work and ate half with my lunch and the other half before my ride home a few hours later.
Anyone who hasn't, by the way, should check out Clif Mojo bars. They are a very satisfying mixture of sweet and salty (this one with chocolate dipped on the bottom like cheap granola bars) and a perfect complement to a day-hike or cool-weather bike ride. Highly recommended.
Ugh, then the day went downhill. But not all of a sudden. B-May and I got invited over to a friend's for a BBQ and we brought along a couple veggie patties by Gardenburger called "VeggieMedley." Top it off with some grilled zucchini from Saturday's farmer's market and knock the whole effort down with a slice of American cheese for me. Burgers were quite good, zucchini was delicious and end scene for better living. Do a 180 and crack open two tall boy PBRs followed by three/four freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. Repeat PBRs four more times and toss in two more cookies right before bed (with a liter of water, of course) and now you've arrived at my present desire to go for a run. I must say the night was accompanied by some top-notch jazz standards at the bar and made it all worth while. That and the fact PBRs are $2 a pop. Overpriced but this is not the venue for that debate.
Cool, I'm all caught up. Woke up without a hangover (huzzah water!) and just general lethargy. Perfect entrance for my breakfast staple: Eggo's with giant glass of skim milk. Does that really need a picture? You bet it does.
Yea, three Eggo's a day...is definitely one of the objectives of this blog. Rather, to break free from it. More on that later. Right now, I'm sipping leftover orange juice from a Dunkin Donuts run I don't know how long ago before attacking Mount Dishes that has been accumulating for a few days now. Time of attack:
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