Holy crap! B-May and I just went for a killer run. Well, it's of course all relative what makes a run killer but I have never successfully run 50 minutes. Which I totally did today! Not only that, but I felt really really good. Seriously, no labored breathing, no aching feet, legs, etc. No heaving chest or cramps of any kind. And I wore Chuck Taylors! Incredible. Maybe there is something to this ancient practice of running...B-May took me to Newcastle (Island?) just before dark. Perhaps it was a bit longer than we should have struck out for given the receding daylight but it was cool and a welcome breeze was coming off the bay always at the right moments. In the end, the longest run of my short running career was my by far my favorite.
For the record, B-May and I started running last summer as the remedy for a summer of lethargy and recooperation from the rigors of college - tests and tequila. We signed up for a 5K in Somerville, MA and started training just about a year ago today. We ran intervals, juggling walking and running. Throughout the fall and some of the winter, we ran a monthly event usually somewhere in Boston. Well, now another season begins and we are 100% stronger than last year and hoping to really kill it. Should. be. awesome.
So today I tried to have a green tea with my breakfast of Eggo's. (Ooops.) Instead, I was running a little later than I thought so I gave it to B-May. At work, I snacked briefly on cereal and a sizeable Gatorade that I got yesterday to remedy the festivities from two nights ago.

Cold and refreshing. Apparently these things are really not that good for you but I like the purple ones regardless. Lunch was pizza leftovers and the standard granola bar with two Yorks. I'm pretty sure I'm out of bars and running low on the Yorks. Add it to the list!
Rode my bike home and soon after headed out with B-May for the run above and prepared a unique dinner (for me, at least).
Stuffed eggplants. Never thought I'd be that guy eating stuffed eggpl
ants. Let alone actually liking it! She chiseled out two eggplants and added the guts to a bed of vegetables in a stir-fry with a healthy dose of garlic. It was baked for twenty minutes with some cheese drizzled on top just before taking it out. Really, I must admit, it was quite good. "Clean plate club" to quote everyone's youth. We have two other "boats" for leftovers and I'm looking forward to it for tomorrow's dinner. To satisfy my sweet tooth, I pulled out a couple Ghiradelli Milk Chocolates (four makes a serving!) with some cold skim milk and I believed that successfully tamed the craving. 
And just because I miss my dog, Kasey, so much, here's a photo!
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