Despite the temperature never climbing above freezing, I have been out running two days in a row! It feels good to reacquire that addiction that carried me through the fall. My toes, albeit, are a little numb after each run and the big one takes a while to gain full capillary refill. But other than that, I am surprised how well everything is going! My breath is shortened by the frigid air but it's not impossible to breathe and earlier today I ran four miles at a 9min pace! I was totally pumped by this!
B-May reminded me last night about training for triathlons as an excuse for carrying in the groceries by myself. She claims that for her half-marathons she doesn't need the upper body workout that I do. While it seems a little lazy (just kidding!) she does have a point: I need more strength in my upper body. I feel confident that the bike and run portions of the triathlons will go well. I should note also, that I never thought my run portion would be one of my strongest legs. Unbelievable the progress one can make in a year!
That being said, I have decided to schedule a swimming lesson with my cousin who had the opportunity to swim for the US Olympic team. Yeah. I figure (in agreement with my coach Brad) that if I learn proper technique, I'm good to go. With an efficient stroke the distances will be much more do-able and perhaps even make some decent time on the leg! I'm excited to get in the water. I do miss my bike. Snow and the road bike do not mix very well. Sadness.
Monday B-May and I went for a little snowshoe hike in the Belknap region of New Hampshire and climbed to the top of Mount Major with beautiful views of the Lake that I won't try to spell. I doubt that half of the ice fishermen on Lake W can spell it. Perhaps there's not much solace in that my spelling ability of locales is equal to the guys who sit in a 6 X 9 shack and drink beer on weekdays fishing through a three inch hole in the ice...
Fitness is on the up and up and our eating continues to be excellent as well! Aside from a handful of PBRs last night at a friend's house, I feel pretty good about things!
More running in the future and I can't wait!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Monday, December 28, 2009
Run today!
Good evening!
I am pleased to report that our run today went very well! We covered just over six miles at a ten-minute mile pace and I felt great the whole time. Granted, with my FiveFingers I was a little cold but aside from that, I was able to keep warm and moving. B-May does an excellent job setting a comfortable pace whenever we run. I admit that when I set out by myself I end up going too quick for my own good and am often left breathless and walking amid a sea of swear-words. I should be able to maintain my own pace without someone holding my hand. Well, sometimes that's not terrible at all but I would like a little more autonomy of pacing. That was a weird thing to say.
My calves are a little sore and I expect to feel the effects a bit more tomorrow, especially at work. My feet are feeling strong and I am excited to take advantage of the warmer weather - or at least this period of the year devoid of snow. It's hard to run barefoot (more or less) without shoes. B-May is looking forward to a half-marathon in the Great Bay area this March or April and at present I would just like to be able to run five miles a day. Speed will come with the consistency, or so I think. I have a buddy who runs 7, 7:30 minute miles and I feel like I can't run with him anymore. I sometimes worry about going faster, being able to cruise at 8 minute miles but it's not worth the cramps and ragged breathing right now. Perhaps I'll take my occasional 5K's more seriously but if beer remains the prize, I doubt that I will.
Note to self: figure out definitively if a license in New Hampshire is critical or at least not a terrible obstacle so I can swim in the city pool. I. Really. Need. To. Get. In. The. Water.
I am pleased to report that our run today went very well! We covered just over six miles at a ten-minute mile pace and I felt great the whole time. Granted, with my FiveFingers I was a little cold but aside from that, I was able to keep warm and moving. B-May does an excellent job setting a comfortable pace whenever we run. I admit that when I set out by myself I end up going too quick for my own good and am often left breathless and walking amid a sea of swear-words. I should be able to maintain my own pace without someone holding my hand. Well, sometimes that's not terrible at all but I would like a little more autonomy of pacing. That was a weird thing to say.
My calves are a little sore and I expect to feel the effects a bit more tomorrow, especially at work. My feet are feeling strong and I am excited to take advantage of the warmer weather - or at least this period of the year devoid of snow. It's hard to run barefoot (more or less) without shoes. B-May is looking forward to a half-marathon in the Great Bay area this March or April and at present I would just like to be able to run five miles a day. Speed will come with the consistency, or so I think. I have a buddy who runs 7, 7:30 minute miles and I feel like I can't run with him anymore. I sometimes worry about going faster, being able to cruise at 8 minute miles but it's not worth the cramps and ragged breathing right now. Perhaps I'll take my occasional 5K's more seriously but if beer remains the prize, I doubt that I will.
Note to self: figure out definitively if a license in New Hampshire is critical or at least not a terrible obstacle so I can swim in the city pool. I. Really. Need. To. Get. In. The. Water.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Run Tomorrow
B-May and I are planning a "big" run tomorrow. It's the first time we've set out for more than five miles in quite a while. I snuck in a little jog on Christmas morning - 1.5 miles to dampen the effects of the vertiable banquet that would follow. I should note that I did over-do something on that run as my left foot was KILLER the rest of the day. Now that's two days later, I am doing a lot better and gearing up for the six miler. I argued with myself that it was not the running specifically that plagued my foot but an over-extension or I simply stepped on something that freaked out the ball of my foot. The evidence, to me, is that my other foot did not hurt. So there, fore-foot strike is still the way to go.
On a related note, my unintentional evagelization of the forefoot strike produced another convert: a buddy from college grew tired of shin splints developing as he labored on a treadmill and gave running on his forefoot a shot: shocker! it worked like a charm. He said that he was breathing better and the pain in the front of legs subsided quickly as he pressed through his workout. Sweet!
Our food choices have been less than stellar - cookies in ABUNDANCE but we did have a wonderful butternut squash risotto for dinner tonight. It was excellent and I think there's a little leftover that I plan on skipping on sharing.
So I just wanted to post a little something before a more detailed post come tomorrow afternoon.
'Till then, later!
B-May and I are planning a "big" run tomorrow. It's the first time we've set out for more than five miles in quite a while. I snuck in a little jog on Christmas morning - 1.5 miles to dampen the effects of the vertiable banquet that would follow. I should note that I did over-do something on that run as my left foot was KILLER the rest of the day. Now that's two days later, I am doing a lot better and gearing up for the six miler. I argued with myself that it was not the running specifically that plagued my foot but an over-extension or I simply stepped on something that freaked out the ball of my foot. The evidence, to me, is that my other foot did not hurt. So there, fore-foot strike is still the way to go.
On a related note, my unintentional evagelization of the forefoot strike produced another convert: a buddy from college grew tired of shin splints developing as he labored on a treadmill and gave running on his forefoot a shot: shocker! it worked like a charm. He said that he was breathing better and the pain in the front of legs subsided quickly as he pressed through his workout. Sweet!
Our food choices have been less than stellar - cookies in ABUNDANCE but we did have a wonderful butternut squash risotto for dinner tonight. It was excellent and I think there's a little leftover that I plan on skipping on sharing.
So I just wanted to post a little something before a more detailed post come tomorrow afternoon.
'Till then, later!
Friday, December 18, 2009
Terrible Run!
For the rest of the day, I will be followed by the ghost of this morning's terrible run. The plan was simple: dress warm, (5 degrees out) and jog for an easy 3.1 miles. I did it last Sunday in Somerville without trying and averaged sub 9-minute miles. Understandably, I thought I could stand up to the elements today and I straight could not.
Seriously! What the hell! I am a good runner! Though in light of the day's disaster, perhaps I should specify that I am a good "barefoot" runner. (For the record, I do not run barefoot but my many times aforementioned FiveFingers give the same idea). And what I did today was "dress warm" and kept my socks on for a run for the first time since August. Clunky and heavy-footed, always concentrating on my stride on the uneven shoes, refusing to give in to the heel-strike I've rejected in my training and I forgot about breathing. I cramped up three times and was forced to walk, unable to conquer the demons with mind over matter. I swore when I sweat through my first layer and did a strange cult-like dressing and removing my hat and gloves as various parts of my body began to go numb.
I wanted to score three simple miles for the winter training log but it seems I have much to learn. The plan tomorrow then is to reduce my mileage and dress slightly lighter than I'd like the second I walk outside. I don't anticipate Portsmouth remaining in the single digits like this all winter but I want to be prepared for the times it does. I also need to find a suitable winter alternative to my FiveFingers.
When I started this blog, I concentrated a lot on the foods I was eating, demonstrating and often illustrating my healthy choices in the stead of starchy, sugary - or both type of foods. I have come to realize that I will never rid myself of my ice cream cravings and that a beer or three every once in a while is nothing I intend to give up for a decade or so. But with these exceptions, I consistently and more importantly, voluntarily ingest more fruits and vegetables than ever. Consider yesterday's lunch: whole wheat cereal with almonds and fat-free yogurt. Dinner was a tall vegetable pizza made from whole wheat dough. Two nights ago, B-May and I dined on a wild mushroom fricasse with tempeh. It's what we shop for and what we eat. Once the Halloween candy is gone and the holidays have passed, we'll be out snowshoeing or running or swimming or whatever burning more calories than we can eat! Well, hopefully not but the picture looking to 2010 is that of health and frivolity be it on a trail or at a bar with friends. I look forward to keeping my diet, standing out from my friends and brothers during the Christmas break and maintaining a consistent and strong running schedule. Triathlon season will be here soon and I'm determined to be ready for it!
Seriously! What the hell! I am a good runner! Though in light of the day's disaster, perhaps I should specify that I am a good "barefoot" runner. (For the record, I do not run barefoot but my many times aforementioned FiveFingers give the same idea). And what I did today was "dress warm" and kept my socks on for a run for the first time since August. Clunky and heavy-footed, always concentrating on my stride on the uneven shoes, refusing to give in to the heel-strike I've rejected in my training and I forgot about breathing. I cramped up three times and was forced to walk, unable to conquer the demons with mind over matter. I swore when I sweat through my first layer and did a strange cult-like dressing and removing my hat and gloves as various parts of my body began to go numb.
I wanted to score three simple miles for the winter training log but it seems I have much to learn. The plan tomorrow then is to reduce my mileage and dress slightly lighter than I'd like the second I walk outside. I don't anticipate Portsmouth remaining in the single digits like this all winter but I want to be prepared for the times it does. I also need to find a suitable winter alternative to my FiveFingers.
When I started this blog, I concentrated a lot on the foods I was eating, demonstrating and often illustrating my healthy choices in the stead of starchy, sugary - or both type of foods. I have come to realize that I will never rid myself of my ice cream cravings and that a beer or three every once in a while is nothing I intend to give up for a decade or so. But with these exceptions, I consistently and more importantly, voluntarily ingest more fruits and vegetables than ever. Consider yesterday's lunch: whole wheat cereal with almonds and fat-free yogurt. Dinner was a tall vegetable pizza made from whole wheat dough. Two nights ago, B-May and I dined on a wild mushroom fricasse with tempeh. It's what we shop for and what we eat. Once the Halloween candy is gone and the holidays have passed, we'll be out snowshoeing or running or swimming or whatever burning more calories than we can eat! Well, hopefully not but the picture looking to 2010 is that of health and frivolity be it on a trail or at a bar with friends. I look forward to keeping my diet, standing out from my friends and brothers during the Christmas break and maintaining a consistent and strong running schedule. Triathlon season will be here soon and I'm determined to be ready for it!
Friday, December 4, 2009
Going into the Weekend
Good morning!
It's finally starting to cool off in December. Yesterday was unseasonably hot outside. Well, not hot but certainly spring-like and that's just weird. As such, I will soon be taking off for a run this morning after my oatmeal settles in my stomach. What makes this oatmeal worth mentioning however, is that we added our first servings of Flax-Seed to the mix. While I did not taste any nutty flavor promised by the package, I do feel slightly healthier for having ingested it. I think.
So I would normally rewind a bit and review my past runs but I haven't got many to review. The last time I ran was Sunday night with headlamps. That really was fun and enjoyable to out when it was so quiet, even before dinnertime. The air was cool but not uncomfortably so and we kept up a good sub-10 minute a mile clip. Like I said, nothing fancy or fast but comfortable.
It's worth noting how motivation from upcoming events, even in the very recesses of our thoughts is critical to our simply getting out. Our next "race" (read: fun run) is December 13 and since it's a 5K we're not sweating it at all. I suppose we could train harder and look to increase our times but that would be contradictory to all the rants we tend to spill on people who do just that: take a fun run and aim for a PR. I'll admit that I run these events quickly, often sacrificing B-May's company in the process, but I never go absolute balls-to-the-walls looking for the time of my running career. I was speaking to a co-worker about this the other day and we agreed that individuals timing themselves and picking up water at aid stations on 5k (5K!) runs are straight up silly. It's not an insult to their fitness, but a valid point that demonstrates people aren't having fun with running. I try to keep up a pace that is brisk enough to haggle my breath but still easy enough so I can smile throughout. It sounds cheesy but the point, I think, is clear. We shouldn't be out running for the obligation of it - leave that to the Catholics. No, we should run because it's enjoyable and a great social community. This is where Somerville gets it right: after the run, there's beer. What better social magnet than booze? On a Sunday no less!
Anyways, we're looking forward to that though bumming it's officially sold out and none of our friends we've been trying to recruit will be able to join. Alright, that's enough of a rant for now. Besides, I'm pretty sure if I checked through older entries I would find a similar tirade.
It's finally starting to cool off in December. Yesterday was unseasonably hot outside. Well, not hot but certainly spring-like and that's just weird. As such, I will soon be taking off for a run this morning after my oatmeal settles in my stomach. What makes this oatmeal worth mentioning however, is that we added our first servings of Flax-Seed to the mix. While I did not taste any nutty flavor promised by the package, I do feel slightly healthier for having ingested it. I think.
So I would normally rewind a bit and review my past runs but I haven't got many to review. The last time I ran was Sunday night with headlamps. That really was fun and enjoyable to out when it was so quiet, even before dinnertime. The air was cool but not uncomfortably so and we kept up a good sub-10 minute a mile clip. Like I said, nothing fancy or fast but comfortable.
It's worth noting how motivation from upcoming events, even in the very recesses of our thoughts is critical to our simply getting out. Our next "race" (read: fun run) is December 13 and since it's a 5K we're not sweating it at all. I suppose we could train harder and look to increase our times but that would be contradictory to all the rants we tend to spill on people who do just that: take a fun run and aim for a PR. I'll admit that I run these events quickly, often sacrificing B-May's company in the process, but I never go absolute balls-to-the-walls looking for the time of my running career. I was speaking to a co-worker about this the other day and we agreed that individuals timing themselves and picking up water at aid stations on 5k (5K!) runs are straight up silly. It's not an insult to their fitness, but a valid point that demonstrates people aren't having fun with running. I try to keep up a pace that is brisk enough to haggle my breath but still easy enough so I can smile throughout. It sounds cheesy but the point, I think, is clear. We shouldn't be out running for the obligation of it - leave that to the Catholics. No, we should run because it's enjoyable and a great social community. This is where Somerville gets it right: after the run, there's beer. What better social magnet than booze? On a Sunday no less!
Anyways, we're looking forward to that though bumming it's officially sold out and none of our friends we've been trying to recruit will be able to join. Alright, that's enough of a rant for now. Besides, I'm pretty sure if I checked through older entries I would find a similar tirade.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
An Experiment
I just got back from a 10 minute run. Boring, I know but insightful. I've recently been of the opinion that you can use kung-fu shoes in the place of Vibram Five Fingers, given their sparse support and super-flat sole. They go on and off quickly which makes me wonder if they'd be a good alternative for the FiveFingers come triathlon time.
Well...I was not overly impressed. I managed to snag a pair from my folks' home this Thanksgiving and my run left me with some tough spots on the sides of my feet and each footfall was louder than any I've ever taken in my FiveFingers. I am not dismissing the idea entirely yet - but it's not looking good. At the end of ten minutes, my attention wandered to barefoot running and I gave it another go on the last two hundred yards home. That was awesome! I kept thinking about a recent article I read about the road being like a massage for one's foot. I don't entirely agree but it was MUCH easier than I expected. I'll definitely do that some more - perhaps tonight on a night-run with B-May.
Back up a little: on Thanksgiving, B-May and I entered the Feaster Five Road Race in Andover and we crushed it. We both did the 5 mile distance (as did her sister from Somerville) and I finished at 43:20 and she was about two minutes behind that. I was moving and felt great the entire time. Though it wasn't very cold, my toes got numb and by mile four, I regained complete sense of them. Oh well!
Food updates: Thanksgiving x2, given my family and B-May's family. We hit them both. Been snacking on leftovers since. Lunch, which is soon to follow is probably some sort of turkey sandwich if I am good like that. Dinner tonight is predicted to be leftovers as well but will be wonderful after a cool, 4-mile run to the Newcastle Cemetary and back!
Well...I was not overly impressed. I managed to snag a pair from my folks' home this Thanksgiving and my run left me with some tough spots on the sides of my feet and each footfall was louder than any I've ever taken in my FiveFingers. I am not dismissing the idea entirely yet - but it's not looking good. At the end of ten minutes, my attention wandered to barefoot running and I gave it another go on the last two hundred yards home. That was awesome! I kept thinking about a recent article I read about the road being like a massage for one's foot. I don't entirely agree but it was MUCH easier than I expected. I'll definitely do that some more - perhaps tonight on a night-run with B-May.
Back up a little: on Thanksgiving, B-May and I entered the Feaster Five Road Race in Andover and we crushed it. We both did the 5 mile distance (as did her sister from Somerville) and I finished at 43:20 and she was about two minutes behind that. I was moving and felt great the entire time. Though it wasn't very cold, my toes got numb and by mile four, I regained complete sense of them. Oh well!
Food updates: Thanksgiving x2, given my family and B-May's family. We hit them both. Been snacking on leftovers since. Lunch, which is soon to follow is probably some sort of turkey sandwich if I am good like that. Dinner tonight is predicted to be leftovers as well but will be wonderful after a cool, 4-mile run to the Newcastle Cemetary and back!
Monday, November 23, 2009
I Earned my Burrito Today!
So I skipped lunch today. I think it was because of a spoiled Clif Bar that I ate anyway. Rewind: last night after a wonderful dinner of fettucine and turkey-meat sauce, I emptied out my camping gear box. It was full of finds and garbage and things I should have considered garbage. I wasn't exactly ruthless with what I should have thrown away and consequently kept a couple Carrot Cake Clif Bars. These are normally excellent and I was excited to re-acquire, as it were, a stock of them before my morning of bouldering! So this morning after a breakfast of oatmeal with a banana, cinnamon, syrup and brown sugar, (plus a chocolate chip muffin and coffee from Dunks - gotta stop...) I set off for a 20 minute approach with a work buddy for the best bouldering the Seacoast area has to offer: Pawtuckaway State Forest.
It's a strange forest with multiple accesses and the guys I climbed with today had no idea where the nearest ranger station was. It's crazy how big this place is and the quietness sets in with a healthy dose of solitude. This allowed me to concentrate on the rock before me but also led to my dwelling on my soft and strained fingers. All in all, I was pleased with my performance today. I'm just starting out on the climbing sport and I dived in with enthusiam. I stopped when I knew I should and didn't trick myself into any really uncomfortable places - like freezing half-way up a particularly high climb. My friends are strong climbers but encouraging guys who enjoy climbing with beginners and I appreciated their return enthusiasm. I struggled but I sent (read: got to the top of) a couple problems and, like I said, was pleased with my performance. We were out for four hours. At the end of those four hours, downed 5/6ths of the aforementioned Clif Bar and thankfully the sore stomach did not settle in until my next great achievement: a 5K at 8:01 pace!
I decided on my ride home that I would go to bed tonight with a 100% sore and tired body. Well, that is pretty much how I feel right now. I popped in my tunes and bolted. I jogged faster than light to my start and took off. I felt a little heavy-footed but I cruised and my haggard breathing was covered by the blasting of punk rock. It was unhealthy to run with my tunes but I needed to disengage from the difficulty of what I was doing. In the end, I finished at 24:58, which according to, works out to a pace of 8:01. I was pumped!
But then my stomach hurt from the Clif Bar and I didn't even finish my Nuun. That should tell one something! Showered and after a quick trip to the library, I am totally ready to chill out 'till B-May gets home and then totally pysched for Dos Amigos $5 Burritos. Up yours, Subway - Burritos are where it's at!
It's a strange forest with multiple accesses and the guys I climbed with today had no idea where the nearest ranger station was. It's crazy how big this place is and the quietness sets in with a healthy dose of solitude. This allowed me to concentrate on the rock before me but also led to my dwelling on my soft and strained fingers. All in all, I was pleased with my performance today. I'm just starting out on the climbing sport and I dived in with enthusiam. I stopped when I knew I should and didn't trick myself into any really uncomfortable places - like freezing half-way up a particularly high climb. My friends are strong climbers but encouraging guys who enjoy climbing with beginners and I appreciated their return enthusiasm. I struggled but I sent (read: got to the top of) a couple problems and, like I said, was pleased with my performance. We were out for four hours. At the end of those four hours, downed 5/6ths of the aforementioned Clif Bar and thankfully the sore stomach did not settle in until my next great achievement: a 5K at 8:01 pace!
I decided on my ride home that I would go to bed tonight with a 100% sore and tired body. Well, that is pretty much how I feel right now. I popped in my tunes and bolted. I jogged faster than light to my start and took off. I felt a little heavy-footed but I cruised and my haggard breathing was covered by the blasting of punk rock. It was unhealthy to run with my tunes but I needed to disengage from the difficulty of what I was doing. In the end, I finished at 24:58, which according to, works out to a pace of 8:01. I was pumped!
But then my stomach hurt from the Clif Bar and I didn't even finish my Nuun. That should tell one something! Showered and after a quick trip to the library, I am totally ready to chill out 'till B-May gets home and then totally pysched for Dos Amigos $5 Burritos. Up yours, Subway - Burritos are where it's at!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Work, work work!
Good evening,
I shouldn't complain but I think I might. I have been very work centered and have had little time to enjoy life's pleasures. I've been eating leftovers from the fridge - no pasta shall expire in this house! - and I've been trying to sneak in runs whenever I can. For example, yesterday morning I got up early to run with B-May but also be ready for my Dad to pick me up en route to Maine to visit my grandmother. It was worth the trip not only to see my grandmother but also to retrieve my car that she has been driving for a while now. It's good to have my wheels back but I haven't rode my bike since Thursday morning to work. It's Saturday now. Ooops!
Back to the subject of the run: it wasn't too fast or far at all - two miles - but it was a nice wake-up call that kept the coffee at bay. As I get older coffee is becoming more enticing each morning and I make strong efforts not to drink much and develop the headaches that some of my co-workers do. It would be awful to be addicted to caffeine and not know it until your head hurt. That's messed up. So I find that running or riding my bike to work really helps with that and keeps me from needing the pick-me-up. It's in the ride and the run!
Today was a basic eating day, perhaps dinner will hold more interest though if I make it, I doubt it. For breakfast I put together an egg sandwich of oatmeal bread, a fried egg and a slice of cheese. I enjoyed a corn muffin on the side with liberal amounts of butter and because I drove, I stopped at Dunkin Donuts on the way to work for a small black coffee. I don't wanna get addicted but I'm not going to let any sugar or milk dilute it either! Lunch was PB and J with leftover Sun Chips which are losing their appeal over time. When I was eating my sandwich however I multi-tasked and threw two kayak racks on my car for B-May and my's upcoming paddling adventure scheduled for tomorrow - weather pending. I'm looking forward to a picnic lunch somewhere on the bay and an afternoon of kayaking, getting to know our area better.
Here's to tomorrow!
I shouldn't complain but I think I might. I have been very work centered and have had little time to enjoy life's pleasures. I've been eating leftovers from the fridge - no pasta shall expire in this house! - and I've been trying to sneak in runs whenever I can. For example, yesterday morning I got up early to run with B-May but also be ready for my Dad to pick me up en route to Maine to visit my grandmother. It was worth the trip not only to see my grandmother but also to retrieve my car that she has been driving for a while now. It's good to have my wheels back but I haven't rode my bike since Thursday morning to work. It's Saturday now. Ooops!
Back to the subject of the run: it wasn't too fast or far at all - two miles - but it was a nice wake-up call that kept the coffee at bay. As I get older coffee is becoming more enticing each morning and I make strong efforts not to drink much and develop the headaches that some of my co-workers do. It would be awful to be addicted to caffeine and not know it until your head hurt. That's messed up. So I find that running or riding my bike to work really helps with that and keeps me from needing the pick-me-up. It's in the ride and the run!
Today was a basic eating day, perhaps dinner will hold more interest though if I make it, I doubt it. For breakfast I put together an egg sandwich of oatmeal bread, a fried egg and a slice of cheese. I enjoyed a corn muffin on the side with liberal amounts of butter and because I drove, I stopped at Dunkin Donuts on the way to work for a small black coffee. I don't wanna get addicted but I'm not going to let any sugar or milk dilute it either! Lunch was PB and J with leftover Sun Chips which are losing their appeal over time. When I was eating my sandwich however I multi-tasked and threw two kayak racks on my car for B-May and my's upcoming paddling adventure scheduled for tomorrow - weather pending. I'm looking forward to a picnic lunch somewhere on the bay and an afternoon of kayaking, getting to know our area better.
Here's to tomorrow!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
A Productive Day Off
Good afternoon,

Just doing what I do after a good run: downing a Nuun. I've written about these before but they're worth mentioning again. It's a simple electrolyte replacement that gives me my soda fix but are only the size of Alka-Seltzer tablets that - bonus - come in a recyclable container. They're awesome!
This means that I just got back from a good run. Indeed! A little 4.1 mile jaunt down to Newcastle and back again at a 9:17 mile pace. I can be happy with that indeed! I have been reading Zen and the Art of Running recently over lunch - an uneventful grilled cheese on soon-to-expire bread with an egg on top - and read about pacing. This seems like a very good idea as a means of getting faster, which I want to do but I am content at present with what I can already do. This is also in perfect congruency with the pattern of my running - content with 1 mile, all of a sudden doing 2 - and so forth. So check in for faster runs, haha.
Breakfast was oatmeal, something I have truly fallen in love with since our move up North. It's been a reliable and filling and wholesome meal that I fall back on frequently when I'm without eggs, or pancakes or something similar. Okay, this brings me to the reason for my post:
Stuffed acorn squash. There are some asparagus above in the oven tray which complemented the garden veggie quite nicely. B-May put together a mixture of diced corn muffins, Craisins, pecans, onions, spinach and peppers for a crunchy filling even before we dived into the squash itself. Acorn squash comes apart easier than grapefruit - and without the shooting citrus - and, no surprise here, tastes like squash. I liked it a lot. I was quite full and remained during almost all of our movie last night, Fistful of Dollars, a Clint Eastwood spaghetti western classic. Actually, I was hoping to catch a different plot than the one I ended up seeing but I was glad that B-May stayed awake and attentive throughout. Always a wonderful way to spend the evening.
Off to shower as my stink is getting into the computer I feel...
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Post 40!
Good morning,
Though it is a lousy morning...B-May and I went for a short, two mile run today. It was drizzling the whole time and we were sore from life I guess. I put in a fast 5K yesterday (translation: 8min miles) and felt a little tight as a result. Our next event is the annual turkey trot in Andover, MA - the Feaster Five. Unlike last year, we will be running the five mile run, not the 5k. One could say we've graduated. Actually, this was a goal of ours and now that we can regularly put down five miles, or more we're excited for a good result.
We have agreed to a grocery ban for the remainder of November. There are some exceptions: milk, bread and other perishables. But the point is that for the most part, we are not visiting the grocery store for much at all. This is an effort to save money but also to be a little more creative with what we have. Call it an Advent awareness or something. So for example, yesterday at work, I had Annie's organic macaroni and cheese with tuna mixed in. It was excellent and filling and I barely had room for half a brownie.
I should note where this brownie came from: B-May's sister who ran the Somerville 5K with us came up for the day to shop with her sister and before I had to go to work, we all went to Ceres Bakery in town. Excellent sandwiches! Wow! I had a tofu on ciabatta with sprouts, spinach and a tomatoes with a rich horseradish drizzled on top. Incredible.
Today I made pancakes to keep up a semi-tradition of pancakes on Sundays. They were excellent compared to the last time I screwed up nearly an entire batch. Chocolate chip pancakes, plain pancakes and banana pancakes - I covered them all! I've been trying to incorporate power foods - to me, ones that are found at the end of a race on giant tables - into my meals. Here's another example: after my "fast" 5K yesterday morning I mixed up my usual oatmeal with peanut butter, syrup, cinnamon and a banana. This was very filling and I could feel a very present pick-me-up after having it all. And that was without milk! We ran out for a while so I had to make do with water. Never a bad thing. Water is my favorite drink.
Last big note: Friday night B-May and I along with another couple, Robbie and Christina, took part in Portsmouth's restaurant week. It was a fantastic excuse to eat monstrous amounts of food with a pittance of a check compared to its usual rates. I had a seafood cocktail trio of crab, lobster and jumbo shrimp for an appetizer, a Longboard beer to wash it down. For my entree I enjoyed a massive slab of swordfish swimming in a light lentil soup and topped off the meal with a chocolate mousse before heading out to catch some jazz with a couple beers to end the night. It was indeed filling and I think that sheer amount of food kept me from running any faster when I did my "fast" 5K.
Another website worthy of note: This is a neat online training log that allows users to map out usual routes and input them as part of workouts. I have since saved a number of my routes and being able to recall them quickly makes choosing a distance easier than ever. I usually end up trying to retrace an old run trying to distinguish one turn-off from another before giving up and inventing something new. While I am a little hesitant of abusing certain routes, I have been able to use the program to see when I getting bored and use their map software to spice things up.
I have a dude-day ahead of me: a college buddy is coming up from Boston and the plan is to drink coffee and beer and listen to records with some errands such as picking up another PS2 controller also on the docket. So off I go!
Though it is a lousy morning...B-May and I went for a short, two mile run today. It was drizzling the whole time and we were sore from life I guess. I put in a fast 5K yesterday (translation: 8min miles) and felt a little tight as a result. Our next event is the annual turkey trot in Andover, MA - the Feaster Five. Unlike last year, we will be running the five mile run, not the 5k. One could say we've graduated. Actually, this was a goal of ours and now that we can regularly put down five miles, or more we're excited for a good result.
We have agreed to a grocery ban for the remainder of November. There are some exceptions: milk, bread and other perishables. But the point is that for the most part, we are not visiting the grocery store for much at all. This is an effort to save money but also to be a little more creative with what we have. Call it an Advent awareness or something. So for example, yesterday at work, I had Annie's organic macaroni and cheese with tuna mixed in. It was excellent and filling and I barely had room for half a brownie.
I should note where this brownie came from: B-May's sister who ran the Somerville 5K with us came up for the day to shop with her sister and before I had to go to work, we all went to Ceres Bakery in town. Excellent sandwiches! Wow! I had a tofu on ciabatta with sprouts, spinach and a tomatoes with a rich horseradish drizzled on top. Incredible.
Today I made pancakes to keep up a semi-tradition of pancakes on Sundays. They were excellent compared to the last time I screwed up nearly an entire batch. Chocolate chip pancakes, plain pancakes and banana pancakes - I covered them all! I've been trying to incorporate power foods - to me, ones that are found at the end of a race on giant tables - into my meals. Here's another example: after my "fast" 5K yesterday morning I mixed up my usual oatmeal with peanut butter, syrup, cinnamon and a banana. This was very filling and I could feel a very present pick-me-up after having it all. And that was without milk! We ran out for a while so I had to make do with water. Never a bad thing. Water is my favorite drink.
Last big note: Friday night B-May and I along with another couple, Robbie and Christina, took part in Portsmouth's restaurant week. It was a fantastic excuse to eat monstrous amounts of food with a pittance of a check compared to its usual rates. I had a seafood cocktail trio of crab, lobster and jumbo shrimp for an appetizer, a Longboard beer to wash it down. For my entree I enjoyed a massive slab of swordfish swimming in a light lentil soup and topped off the meal with a chocolate mousse before heading out to catch some jazz with a couple beers to end the night. It was indeed filling and I think that sheer amount of food kept me from running any faster when I did my "fast" 5K.
Another website worthy of note: This is a neat online training log that allows users to map out usual routes and input them as part of workouts. I have since saved a number of my routes and being able to recall them quickly makes choosing a distance easier than ever. I usually end up trying to retrace an old run trying to distinguish one turn-off from another before giving up and inventing something new. While I am a little hesitant of abusing certain routes, I have been able to use the program to see when I getting bored and use their map software to spice things up.
I have a dude-day ahead of me: a college buddy is coming up from Boston and the plan is to drink coffee and beer and listen to records with some errands such as picking up another PS2 controller also on the docket. So off I go!
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